Saturday, April 16, 2011

Happy First Birthday D-Street Orlando!

[ yes, this is our dresser ]

Today's D-Street Orlando's first birthday! Yay!

Zone 4 celebrated yesterday. They had Vinylmation artists come in and sign some stuff, I saw a few Nightmare Before Christmas boxes signed when I got to work (no more Jack's though! Boo)! We had a huge sign in sheet for guests on the floor and one for cast members in the stock room. We had cake and every cast member got a gift. Not saying what it is :). We also got to rock the birthday pin (which is kind of a big deal on West Side since it's not "Disney Look")! Except people kept telling us happy birthday without reading that it's for D-Street! We wore it to invite guests to celebrate with us!

I'll update on my birthday soon. Hopefully on Monday when I'm off! I also have to go to Magic Kingdom's costuming to pick up a costume for Fantasyland! I wasn't deployed like everyone else, I traded shifts with Betsy. Just want to see what it's like to work at a park for one day!

P: If he comes to switch places with you. I'm punching him in the throat. Swear to God. Hawwww!
*I get handed a break slip*
P: Hazel, come here. No, I just wanna say something! Hawwww!




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