- Less than 4 days left of work :( :( :(
- Last closing shift was last night
- Last shift with my buddy Justin :(
- Went a bit shopping at Marketplace (for probably the last time *super sad face*) before work
- I'm not a fan of the way Goofy's packages their caramel apples
- If Disney wants to work on consistency they should try with that, just sayin
- Got caught in a STORM. Tried to beat it to the break room and ended up having to take cover at Curl
- Worked an 8hr shift with soaked socks, not fun
- Didn't ROS for once cause Justin told me not to lol
- Spent my whole second break talking to Nick (from Nick's Place), gonna miss him a ton
- I'm nowhere near done packing yet, eep!!!
- So excited for my vacay when I get back to the west coast
- Not ready for this experience to end yet
- My sickness is finally going away, it kinda feels like that right-before-Christmas cold. Mmm.
- Mid shift today and opening tomorrow, the hell?
- Did I mention I'm exhausted?
- Had Micky D's with Amanda, husband and Justin last night. They had a bunch of new stuff on the menu. I feel so deprived.
- I'm gonna kinda miss everything about Orlando...
So my program is coming to an end and I'm half relieved and half bummed out. I didn't get to do everything I wanted to do while I was here. I know it's a bit hard to believe since I was here for 7 months but trust me, you'll run out of time! I'm going to miss Disney World, I'm going to miss my friends, my leaders, my coordinators. Now I have to go back to my boring life back in California. I might come back, maybe do the alumni program. But I do need a break away from Disney! It's been fun Orlando, you've changed my life. For good <3.
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