Tuesday, October 19, 2010

80 Days Left...

According to my countdown badge, I have 80 days left until I'm boarding a plane to Florida. I can't believe we're in the double digits already. And 80 days doesn't sound that long at all. Maybe it's because I haven't started packing, at all! It's a little hard with the little time I have these days. I am working on cleaning out the book shelves still, separating the books I'm going to sell, donate and keep. I haven't even begun on my room yet. It just looks so hopeless! My room is a mess and I have ton of things! 

I'm really excited but I'm really nervous. I haven't been getting homesick lately (which is good), but I have been soaking up as much of the bay as I can. It's true, I can't stand this place (most of the time) but I am going to miss Concord, Walnut Creek and Stoneridge Mall trips. I'm also going to miss San Jose and I guess I'll miss San Francisco lol. I'll miss being between SF and Sac.

I'm a little sad I won't be able to stop by Las Vegas before leaving (I wanted to celebrate our one year wedding anniversary there, since we got married there... but that was before we thought of applying. Now that we're moving, husband thinks it's best to save the money for the move). I wanted to see my cousin before we left and get Serendipity and my beloved Brisket Baked Potato from BarBQ! *sigh.

It's warm today. It was pretty cold yesterday and it was raining and freezing on Sunday. Weird weird weather. Bring back the cold! Grrrr.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Most memorable experience with a cast member?

Disneyland recently asked all it's fans "What's the most memorable experience you've had with a cast member?"

I actually have two.
Last year (in 2009) I finally figured out where Goofy's Kitchen was so we headed over there during their dinner to ask about prices. I set my reservation for the next morning for breakfast and you know how before you walk in, there's a character you can take a picture with? Well Minnie was there that night and I went ahead and took a picture with her. She pointed to my ears, I had the pink Minnie princess ears in celebration for my birthday. After we took the picture, I walked off. But she pulled me back, gave me a hug and a big kiss on the cheek. My husband (boyfriend at the time) snapped the picture right when she did too! I was totally taken by surprise!

Another time was when we were there for Grad Night in 2004 and I was hunting down Beauty and the Beast DVD. I walked into the store "The Vault" at Downtown Disney and asked an employee about it, he said they didn't sell DVD's, just clothes. I gave him a funny look and he replied with "Yeah.... I know... 'The Vault'. I think it's a bit misleading too." And he had this look on his face that made me bust out laughing haha!

What are some of your memorable experiences?

Saturday, October 9, 2010


I saw a thread on the Facebook fan page about places to shop in Florida. I didn't put much thought into it since I'm excited to just be at Disney World. But curiosity got the best of me and I Yelp'ed the places people mentioned. And OHMYGOSH! The Prime Outlets? GORGOUES! The malls are pretty too and one has a Panera Bread inside the mall. Seriously, I was freaking out for hours going over the list of stores and just staring lol. Not to mention both outlets have a CCO (Cosmetics Company Outlet - an outlet owned by Estee Lauder which owns MAC so there's a bunch of discontinued discounted MAC stuff there. My favorite outlet store)!

I know not a lot of shopping will be done, but I absolutely love shopping and I love visiting new malls. I have no idea why, it's just a silly hobby of mine. I get it from my mama actually haha. 

I was getting home sick last night (I always get "home sick" at night) and my husband was trying to get me to cheer up and he's the sweetest thing ever. He was like saying all sorts of sweet things and giving me lots of hugs. He's amazing :).

I was also looking up plane tickets. Orignally I had wanted to take Virgin Airlines since I haven't taken them yet and my friends always talk about how awesome their experience was but they only have one nonstop flight to Orlando and it's nine hours long (not to mention almost $300 a ticket). While SouthWest (I hate taking SouthWest, it's always so cramped) has one stop and we'll get there in five hours (and the tickets are only $170). I don't know what to do. Florida is going to be a very long flight. I'm hoping that Virigin opens up more flights for that day when it gets closer but that's probably just wishful thinking :(.

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