O.M.G!!! It's been so hot here the last two days, this is insane. The window is open, the fan is blasting and still the room is stuffy and hot! I had a really bad headache yesterday, which is still lingering around today but feeling much better. I think it's a dehydration headache... I'm horrible when it comes to drinking water (just this year I started drinking water, I don't know, I just... hate it lol) but I chugged down a bunch yesterday and I'm feeling much better today!
This worries me, I don't do well in heat, which is why Autumn and Winter are my favorite seasons but isn't Florida always hot? Ughh. My husband keeps warning me about the humidity, as much as I hate heat, I'm sure I'll survive, I've been to the Philippines twice and trust me, nothing is more hot and humid than the Philippines... even when there's a thunderstorm everyone still has the windows open and the fans on from how hot and humid it is! Which brings me to a memory of a huge cockroach flying in through the window, clinging to the wall and flying back out. I mean, it was huge. Oh! I hear Florida has lizards indoors too! Just like the Philippines (I found a pair of eggs once and my cousin squashed them *sad face*)! I love seeing the little lizards crawling around. I'd prefer lizards in my house over spiders any day!
I'm still keeping the whole Disney World / Florida thing a secret from most of my friends, just because... I like keeping secrets! Well that and other reasons. I'm so excited! I started making a shopping list yesterday, I feel like I'm forgetting things... you know what sucks? I was hoping to go to Vegas for our one year marriage anniversary this year but I thought about how that $800 for a 4 day trip could really help when we move out to Florida instead... but of course, a part of me still wants to go to Vegas... for my Brisket Potato, Serendipity and of course to see my cousin! *sigh, we shall see.
I made a vlog today, which I'll be posting up after this. I just woke up when I made it, so excuse my... just woken up look lol!
Gosh this heat! >_<
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